пятница, 2 августа 2019 г.

Piusi cube 70 mc manual

The Cube MC comes standard with a nozzle holder, automatic nozzle, ft. GPM) and electronic meter. This system is capable of recording the date, time and amount of fuel dispensed for the last 2transactions.

The uniqueness of this diesel dispenser is its versatility, which makes it suitable for different applications. In fact, it is possible to apply CUBE MC directly on tanks, on the wall, on cisterns, on drums or apply it on its special pedestal. Fuel Management SysteInfo User.

It is the ideal diesel dispenser for those looking for a practical, comfortable and safe solution. Piusi Cube MC - System Configuration Piusi. Unsubscribe from Piusi ? Diesel-Zapfsäule für Privatgebrauch. Widerstandsfähige Struktur mit Vorbereitung für verschiedene Anbringungen: An Wan Tanks, Fässern, auf speziellem Unterbau.

Surtidores de gasóleo para uso privado. Estructura robusta preparada para diversas aplicaciones: de pare sobre tanques cisterna, sobre bidones y sobre base apropiada. Visar varje användares literuttag samt det totala literuttaget, även datum och tid.

Pumpautomaten är försedd med elektronisk mätare som visar varje persons tankning inklusive totaluttag och har minne för 2tanktillfällen.

La parte mecánica de Cube MC 2. Skip trial month free. Non è stato possibile aprire la iView. La iView non è compatibile con il browser, con il sistema operativo o con lil dispositivo utilizzato. Seit der Präsentation der ersten Abgabeaggregate nur mit Pumpe und Literzähler hat Piusi eine neue Serie von. Notwendigkeit, die Arbeit in Ihrer Werkstatt optimal zu.

PIUSI DELPHIN PRO IBC. Premium Loading. There is also a wall support kit available to enable the fitting of this Piusi fuel dispenser onto a wall or side of a bunded fuel tank. Control System efficiency are the strong points of CUBE MC.

This manual refers to CUBE MC models only. All the CUBE MC models have been designed and built according to applicable EC directives relating to essential safety and health requirements. Please note: If you have an existing system and are looking to buy replacement keys, make sure you know whether your unit is a green or yellow key system. The Cube MC limits access to only authorised drivers and vehicles via electronic keys, ensuring that only users that are approved to use the pump can. LAN que le permite dialogar.

The pump range is built for basic applications where fuel or oil needs to be transferred over a short distance or height. Compact and easy to handle, the Piusi pumps are built for convenience and are great value for money. Pre-selected dispensing.

La CUBE MC puede ser instalada en la pare directamente sobre el depósito, a través de la unión rápida, o bien sobre columna.

Pumparna är designad för att få en kompakt pumpstation för dieseltankning för privat bruk. Kan endast användas av de som blivit tilldelad en kod eller magnetnyckel. Den digitala displayen kan hantera upp till olika användare, bilnummer och körda kilometer kan registreras.

Piusi bietet ein breites Sortiment von Elektropumpen für die Umfüllung von Kraftstoff.

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